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in building, maintaining, nurturing and repairing relationships, with confidence and compassion


Let's Begin

in building, maintaining, nurturing, and repairing relationships, with confidence and compassion


Let's Begin

101 Ways to Connect with Yourself: in less than 5-minutes a day

Grab your copy of these quick and easy ways to connect to yourself, so you can be present, grounded and thriving when connecting to others.

Prioritize and ritualize your connection to yourself today!

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We’re a virtual space for anyone who wants to attract, create and sustain healthy, attuned, securely attached and emotionally safe relationships, all while maintaining a grounded and authentic sense of self

If you want to be in extraordinary relationships, you’re in the right place 

I’m so happy you are here!

It’s my heartfelt mission to promote relationship wellness globally, making evidence-based and road-tested tools and strategies accessible, affordable and relatable. I believe ALL humans deserve flourishing connections and relationships. 

As featured in:

Some of the wonderful people we have worked with:

Relationships Rebel

Join Dr Christine for her podcast where she’ll host and guide lively and open discussions and interviews, share stories, and case studies, and hear from experts on a wide range of relational topics. 

Expect lots of insights, laughs and awesome take-aways that you can implement using your own natural style, to level up your relationships.


Dr Christine's Book

Are you where you want to be?
Do you know how to get there?

The human brain is the most complex and wondrous thing you will ever own, and you do own it. When it comes to understanding our consciousness, however, we often feel lost. We simply haven’t read the owner’s manual.

If you’re not finding the answers, rewrite the questions.

BE by Design can show you how to get the most out of life by handing over the controls and making you accountable for your own existence. Using a four-phase process that draws on a blend of modern psychology and eastern wisdom, this journey to self is full of easy-to-use, practical tools and stimulating strategies to help you unlock your full potential in everything you intend, think, feel, say, and do.

Make every day amazing; be the best you can be.

Love, family, health, life purpose—these are the things to define us, not confine us. By pausing, stepping back, and examining your relationship with yourself and those around you, you can break free of habits and beliefs that are holding you back.

Like a GPS for your soul, this book can help you get from “A to Be”—navigating a path to your chosen destination. Devoting time and energy in your well-being is always a rich investment, and the rewards are unlimited. Happiness, empowerment, focus and confidence—they all await when you take charge of your life and design how you want to BE.

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